Monday, December 15, 2008

we get excited when it snows in portland

(an alternative title for this post is "yes, elyssa, you will need to bring your long underwear")

Corey and I went for a little walk around our neighborhood Sunday afternoon to explore our new snow world. I was surprised by how rural and out-of-the-way it looks with snow everywhere.

The titular duck pond, frozen over.

I'm glad I don't live in Minnesota.

The 'burbs.

Some brave souls sledding.

Attention, all the funemployed: the Christmas tree farm is now hiring.

I can't decide if the giant cut-out Asian Santa at the Christmas tree farm is amazing or just a tiny bit terrifying.

Lots of snow-covered groves of trees and forest in the neighborhood.

What were these? Deer prints? Paw prints of a weird-footed dog? Shoe prints of a little kid wearing a really weird shoe? A disoriented peccary?

A picturesque holly from the Aquifoliaceae family.

You are not supposed to eat the snow.

I thought the sky looked really pretty when I took this photo. It's of the onion field near our house.

Walking home on the Narnia-like pathway.

Duck pond minus the likely very surprised and perturbed ducks.

Duck pond estates.

View from the living room window.