I want to get a job as one of those guys who stand in the bus entrances and yell ¨guapuloguapuloguapulo¨ when they zoom by you and ¨subesubesuberapidorapidorapido¨when you´re running to get on the usually still-moving bus.
My throat hurts from all the pollution and I have a tubercolosis-like cough from all the nasty air. I wasn´t expecting the altitude to affect me that much, but there you go.
The Mycotour starts on July 12th and everything seems pretty much set: all the arrangements and flights set up and the like. Brian and Corey are making big plans for building an autoclave or maybe just a pressure cooker to do some happy jolly mushroom activities. It´s been really great seeing Corey in this environment, where he just has so much knowledge about the stuff that´s being done... he´s really going to be a great help on the tour, I think. And mi! mi hablo el espanglish muy nice!
Corey and I may be leaving tomorrow, either for Riobamba or Baños. We´re trying to couchsurf--hopefully it´ll work out! I think minus my jugos naturales and bon yogurt naranjillo-flavored addiction, we´ve been taking care of our money pretty well. Set lunches and the grumpy ladies who serve them have definitely been our bestest friends in Quito. The winding confusing streets of Guapulo (especially at night when the entire neighborhood becomes enveloped in a foggy haze and finding our way home becomes even more difficult) and the grumpy dogs snapping at our heels before getting drop-kicked in the face by Corey have definitely been our enemies.
"Disclaimer": A Feminist Analysis
2 months ago
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