Lets start with Charapa, over 35 years old, leaching waste oil and tar into the water table for more years than I´ve been living, it´s a speck of dust in Big Oil´s wastepile. Charapa is 9 feet deep and about 10000 square feet at the surface. It´s a nightmare, the leaf litter has concealed the pit under about 4 inches of natural compost. The air here is volatile and toxic. The scent of petroleum 35+ years later is still fetid. The site is a focus of fungal remediation with some interesting succesion going on.
Random oil spill discovery on the way back from Charapa! This makes me sick. Look at the images. They tell the real story. This oil spill is the work of PetroEcuador and we clocked it at dumping about 55 gallons per 2 hours, 12 barrels a day into this stream. The cleanup effort was, get this, a stick hammered into the open pipeline. Yes, no $5 cap to stop the flow, no mending effort, just sawdust on the ground, and a big fucking leak. The leak looks small but 12 barrels a day is unacceptable. This blatant lack of regard for everything and everyone surrounding this place infuriates me. I have never experienced anger of this dimension before. How would you feel if crude oil was being sprayed on your lawn or garden, would it still be green? Think about the true price of fossil fuels as you wait to pay for the environmental damage of companies like Texaco right there at the pumps. Five dollars a gallon will never comes close to paying for the pain and destruction caused by these companies. How can we change things?
I´m too angry to continue and this keyboard sucks bad.
more soon.
I´m having problems with images so they´ll come later.
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