Monday, December 15, 2008

we get excited when it snows in portland

(an alternative title for this post is "yes, elyssa, you will need to bring your long underwear")

Corey and I went for a little walk around our neighborhood Sunday afternoon to explore our new snow world. I was surprised by how rural and out-of-the-way it looks with snow everywhere.

The titular duck pond, frozen over.

I'm glad I don't live in Minnesota.

The 'burbs.

Some brave souls sledding.

Attention, all the funemployed: the Christmas tree farm is now hiring.

I can't decide if the giant cut-out Asian Santa at the Christmas tree farm is amazing or just a tiny bit terrifying.

Lots of snow-covered groves of trees and forest in the neighborhood.

What were these? Deer prints? Paw prints of a weird-footed dog? Shoe prints of a little kid wearing a really weird shoe? A disoriented peccary?

A picturesque holly from the Aquifoliaceae family.

You are not supposed to eat the snow.

I thought the sky looked really pretty when I took this photo. It's of the onion field near our house.

Walking home on the Narnia-like pathway.

Duck pond minus the likely very surprised and perturbed ducks.

Duck pond estates.

View from the living room window.


Elyssa Pachico said...

These are the first pictures I've seen of the house.

It looks lovely.

djashtray said...

yay! I definitely thought of you when I was taking these pictures... I was like "wow, Elyssa doesn't even know what the neighborhood looks like!"

Elyssa Pachico said...

Today is supposed to be the first day of spring and it snowed.