Okay this entry will be in the form of list/poem
mostly list
i think
i love pan de yuca
On the topic of street customs:
1. Street food usually consists of something far less than 1 dollar
2. People sell movie DVDs like they are produce; also often around 1 dollar, I love this, I know someone who bought Sherlock Holmes the other day...They said it was seedy...like a pitihaya
3. The fresh fruit vendors yell out about their wares..."AGUACATE!" TAMARINDO!"
4. Buses are sales floors for many products, a gentleman or lady will offer some product for sale
ateach bus stop, these are not bus riders...They can be life savers on a 10 hour ride.
5. Private Security is everywhere and they carry not but a stick and whistle
6. These private security agents, when with whistle, continually walk their beat and blow such whistle;often
7. The whistle blowing is to scare off thieves
8. The security guard in our neighboorhood is like 60; I'm sure does know much kung foo and I'm almost certain can't run very fast, though he is a steadfast bicycler and whistle blower he has lungs like the Zeppelin.
9. You will be at some point referred as Mr Gringo, I prefer being called Dr. Gringo
10. Although it is 87 degrees everyone wears jeans and I can't say I'm getting used to it yet
11. Colombianos wear a clear plastic glove when eating fried or roasted chicken, it is funny.
13. you cannot flush the TP!
14 There is this hombre who sells almojabanas(yuca bread with cheese) and bunuelos(doughnuts made with a yeasty tangy cheese) on his motor cycle he sings"ALLLLMOHA BANAS< BUN YOO_WEY_LOES!" it's quite good I will spy video it for you...Tinto and a song about bread!
15. The use of racial perjorative and those perjoratives that we might considers rude like "fatty" or "little blacky" or "meany" are often compliments, or at least non-perjorative.
16. The people of Colombia are extremely warm hearted and smile more than any people as a whole i have ever encountered.
17. I think people really like the cheeba...if you don't know what that is don't worry about it...and they like fried stuff...
18. It is perfectly socially acceptable(i hear that whistle again) to sell cold drinks like Kool-aid or fruit juices from an old aquarium, pictures to come...
19. Haggling is part of the custom, you must! Even for a bus ride...
20. In eveywhere I've been "rico" means delicious, it seems to mean cool here as well...i have't heard the word chevere in Buca.
21. I don't like shelled beans
22. When people beg for change they are old or infirmed in some way not some young punks who drink box wine all day. I always give, not to the drunk bums...
23. Lunch always comes with soup...this is called something that kicks ass...
24. The level of sanitation is the US is borderline rediculous, as is the use of high fructose corn syrup
25. They recycle glass bottle BY ACTUALLY REUSING THEM, and not just smashing them into dust...
26. The coca cola is made from cane sugar, is not canned, and is delicious. The coca cola in the US isn't fit to be served to little rats sitting at a tea party...
"Disclaimer": A Feminist Analysis
2 months ago
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