This is an image a giant space worm

"Happiness, so long as we create it, is not outside, it's inside ourselves, sensory or however you call it. We must be quiet as so not to scare it, as it's a bird that flies away at the slightest noise. Let it repose within us, so that it might emerge when we least expect it. It's true that happiness that does not always rest in any soul, but the souls have their summers, and the swallows return; they have their spring and the roses open."
The graffiti is rad. There are alot of octupus themed diddies and as some you might now that is sort of my mascot. Viva cephelopa! This one seems to have "problemas con su pelo."
Holy shit! This is our apartment in Bucaramanga, la ciudad bonita. It is really, really nice. 2 bedrooms lotsa furniture. I don't own furniture, some of you may also be aware of my furniture phobia. I own no furniture of any merit, I am proud of this fact. I do enjoy having a couch looking out over the city though. The apartment is really sweet and i feel very fortunate to have it as most people here struggle to make 500,000 (250 bucks) pesos a month and live in communal situations with extended families. I am insanely fortunate to be so free, I thank the universe for my current prosperity. This reminds me of how much educated,intelligent, free people owe to the other billions. We have a different debt, maybe two, discovering the nature of our debt (not monetary) and finding the bravery to begin to repay.
These are crazy little pollinating wasps. They come back to the paper-tube hive in a manner that looks like they are being sucked in the hive. You can see the pollen on their legs as they come back, they are not bees.
A main street in Buca, lotsa trees and hot as hell down in the center of the city.
Up near La Floresta (paradise) in the hills there are many tall condo buildings and huge arboreteum that called La Flora , it's like a big maze...

This next image is the leaf cutter and which seem to really like red flowers to chop up and grow their fungus on. They are ubiquitous.

Yo prepare' un vaso de jugo de pina. Pineapple is my favorite fruit...i love it.
awesome pictures, awesome apt., looks like you guys are enjoying!!!luv
have a great day!!!
I am so glad to see WESLEYAN REPRESENT.
I haven't been on the medellin metro yet!
hi buddies, loved reading this, sending you high fives, hugs, herpes, and herpetologists.
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